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And The Winners Are…..The results of 2016’s UK Motorcycle registrations are in.

The total registrations for 2016, as supplied to the trade by the Motor Cycle Industry association Limited, show a total growth of 13.5% to 118,990 up from 104,815 in 2015.


So what was the biggest growth sector last year, and what styles are losing favour with us Brits?

The Trail/Enduro machines were this years surprise winners, some 20.6% up on the previous year with 6,732 machines in total sold, hence the busier than usual “Dirtbike Show” attendance figures at Stoneleigh Park last October.

In second place, Scooters, with a 19.6% growth and a total of 27,482 registrations, signs that more commuters are turning to two wheels with continual urban price hikes on rail & bus transport?

 The “Naked” bike sector had the highest figure of all the sectors monitored, with some 35,651 new machines on the road, up 18.3% from the previous years 30,126 bikes.

 In fourth place, the Custom sector registered 10,589 bikes, a 14.2% increase on 9270. Decembers top selling custom wasn’t an American but Keeway’s Superlight 125

One of the most significant items of note was the Custom sectors 252.3% growth in December…some 1078 Bikes up from 306 the previous December!

In fifth, the Adventure Sport sector grew 11.1% to 18,500 machines, the best seller in December being BMW’s 1200 GS Adventure with 128 machines registered.

The final positive growth was just 1.3% experienced by the Supersport sector, ending the year with 13,485 new machines on the road.

Among last years losers were the Sport/Tour sector down -4% to 3946 registrations, & touring models down -6.4% to 2431.

The “Engine Size” breakdown makes for interesting reading too…the final year figure & percentage for each was as follows


51-125cc       8987                          -5.3%

126-650cc     50680                        15.8%

651-1000cc  26684                          7.1%

over 1000cc  22421                        11.3%


Looking forward to 2017, in a market faced by the resulting price increases that will happen as the Brexit weaken pound, MCIA’s CEO Steve Kenward has gone on record as saying that anything over 120,000 registrations would be an outstanding achievement

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