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New to the Custom Bike Scene? American Biker Lifestyle Accessories You Many Not Be Aware Of...

Although we just about speak the same language, the Custom Scene in America has quite a few differences to ours here in the UK.  It's fair to say that if you're fairly new to our type of biking you may not have seen these products we are about to reveal, although we here at Fat Skeleton have been selling these within the UK for the past two decades!!


Pin Locks

There's nothing worse than having one of the butterfly clasps come off the back of a treasured badge resulting in its loss.

Pin locks are a simple yet effective pin badge lock system mean you'll never have to lose another one, a small price to pay for guaranteed peace of mind.

A neat chrome barrel fits over the pin & is securely fastened by a grommett...once secured the badge will cannot fall off.


Waistcoat Extenders

(Or Vest Extenders as the Americans like to call them)

One thing that's for certain, & that's biker's on both sides of the pond really love their leather waistcoats. 

If you're partial to the odd burger at rallies or simply can't pass by your local greasy spoon without pulling in for a full breakfast, then chances are you've probably put a little on the old belly, and your favourite leather waistcoat no longer meets in the middle!

Fear not, for here's a little accessory that our American cousins (who know all about becoming supersize!) have had for years. The Vest Extenders (aka Fat Bastard straps) simply clip over & under your waistcoat studs and there you go!  Room for some more pies!

They come in  variety of styles & designs.


Guardian Angel Bells

Have you ever seen the small bells hanging on people's bikes? It is not just another decoration, it has a very specific purpose.

It's purpose is to ward off evil road spirits. Legend tells that these evil spirits (some call them GREMLINS) live on your bike, attracted by all the chrome & it's cool styling!!!. They go to work & enjoy creating havoc when you ride. They love creating problems such as...your electrics won't work, your battery won't charge, in fact any problem you encounter was started by the evil spirits (who spookily know which riders carry out routine servicing & maintenance!)

HOWEVER, help is at hand as these evil road spirits can't stand the noise a bell makes when it rings, they get confused, put both hands to their ears and fall off your bike. That, by the way, is how potholes form in our roads and motorways.

The magic of The SPIRIT BELL is doubled if the bell on your bike was given to you by a friend.

So there you have it, a great GIFT idea for the rider who has nearly everything...

The GUARDIAN Bell is manufactured in the States and has a chrome measures 1.5" tall & comes complete in a neat black velvet pouch along with an explanation of the legend of the bell.

We've currently got over 130 designs of these to choose from!


Sunglasses Holder (yes..really)

Of everything here, my personal guess is that this may be the one you haven't seen before.

It's basically a decorative pin badge with a loop.  You put the badge on your jacket, & the loop simply holds the sunglasses, so when you're not wearing them you've got a fair chance of remembering where you put them.


  • Hi guys just purchased a daytona low profile helmet .What a great looking helmet and a great price …Thanks

    Glenn Goodman
  • I love you guys at FS! the site is cool,
    and the gear you sell is great.
    Have been a customer for a few
    years now with no problems ever!

    Graeme L.

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