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FAT SKELETON - Here's What We Stand For


We love custom motorcycles, and that fact that we are lucky enough to be able to own them ride them & be part the amazing camaraderie that surrounds them is what gets us up in the morning (very early as well, if a ride is in the offering)!

We’re NOT custom Bike “snobs”, we don’t care if you ride a 125 Virago, a Harley Davidson factory custom or a hand built £40,000 custom chop.  It’s the fact you ride, not WHAT you ride.

We’re NOT a bog standard type of Motorcycle Apparel & Part retailer, so if you’re looking for piles of the run of the mill boring gear that fills those guys warehouse & shop shelves, same old same old year in year out, then we’re NOT for you.

Here at Fat Skeleton you don’t have to wade through pages of gear you won’t be interested in. So if you’re looking for one piece racing leathers, knee sliders, a Moto GP riders latest helmet or knee sliders, then I’m sorry, you WON’T find them here!  

Our Custom Brand Ranges. Wherever possible we always prefer to personally Road Test new gear before it becomes part of the range, as it gives us opportunity to not only make sure it’s fit for purpose & represents good value for your biking buck, but also so we can talk about the product from first hand knowledge & use.

We don’t stock something just because it’s a supplier offers us or worse still was dumping it on the market at a cheap price, if we’re not happy with it, we don’t stock it….end of.

This applies to whatever “logo” or heritage a product may come with.

A few years ago we were bitterly disappointed by a “Big Brand” open face helmet. It promised a lot, but delivered very little. In the end we got the manufacturer to take back all the stock, because despite selling well, customer feedback was very poor, and after trying one myself, I knew where they were coming from. Hence, all new gear is now tested & appraised prior to it being bought in as a stock line.


We think it’s great that the motorcycling industry has a great heritage of larger than life & genuinely interesting personalities of Racetrack & T.V.. But here at Fat Skeleton the focus of our brand should be on supplying gear that we know is right for the custom biker and will deliver quality & value. 

Having celebrities parading in our latest ranges would not doubt look great on our adverts & be good for a company ego. But we believe that a business should be run for the customer. We’d rather work on keeping the prices and our promotional offers as low as possible, and paying for celebrity endorsement doesn’t come cheap, and at the end of the day that only means one thing…over inflated prices for you, the customer.  We don’t work like that and if you’re looking for celebrity endorsement YOU WON’T find it here.

We believe the greatest endorsement we can ever receive is from our customers.  They can tell you better than anyone else what it’s like to deal with Fat Skeleton.

You can check out what our customers have to say here

You can rest assured we work tirelessly at improving our customer experience, and will work with you to resolve any issues you may have with any aspect of your product or purchase.

1 comment

  • Fat -skeleton You have just hit it Right on the head , great philosophy

    Chris Hartnett

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